
To find your soulmate, first meet your soul. Learn how!

 If you know how to row a boat, you can row any boat. But if you don’t know how to row, changing boats isn’t going to help. Similarly, changing a relationship does not necessarily solve the issue. Sooner or later, you will be in the same situation in any other relationship, because in all relationships, what is most important is your understanding of your own emotions, your own mind, your own ability to be stable, and your own ability to see things from a broader perspective.
And for this, wisdom is important, because it is wisdom that gives you strength, stability and a broader perspective in life. Most of the time, we look elsewhere for; a perfect healthy relationship; very few look within themselves, at the place from where they relate. To have a good relationship, you first need to see how you relate to yourself. You need to look inside.

Yoga and Meditation Programs

Holistic solutions for life's problems

Benefits of meditation

Online Meditation and Breath Workshop

Boost immunity • Remove stress • Improve relationships • Live with joy & purpose

2hrs/day for 4 days
₹ 3,000* Know More

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

Yoga at Baikal lake

Sri Sri Yoga Classes (Level 1)

Energize • Improve health and flexibility • Get stronger and grounded

10 hrs over 4-6 days

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

interactive processes during programs

Happiness Program

Boost immunity • Remove stress • Improve relationships • Live with joy & purpose

3 day and 6 day formats

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects