Back Pain

Discover the surprising secrets to painless back !

You feel your body only when there is pain. You don't feel your head unless you have a headache. Now you are sitting and when the legs start aching then you feel your leg. Your attention goes when there is pain there. Pain is like a child wanting attention from the parent. Your body when you have not paid attention to it, it starts painting. When you put your attention there, the attention itself energises the part of the body. We don’t take care of our body, we don’t do enough exercise. We eat all this food with so many chemicals, pesticides, fertilisers and all that… all those pesticides get into the body and they cause all this pain, once you detoxify yourself, you will see how this pain will go.

Yoga and Meditation Programs

Holistic solutions for life's problems

Yoga at Baikal lake

Sri Sri Yoga Classes (Level 1)

Energize • Improve health and flexibility • Get stronger and grounded

10 hrs over 4-6 days

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

interactive processes during programs

Happiness Program

Boost immunity • Remove stress • Improve relationships • Live with joy & purpose

3 day and 6 day formats

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

holistic yoga

Sri Sri Yoga Retreats

Cleanse your body • Clear your mind

4/5/14 days

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

Know your Spine

Spine Care Yoga and Posture Program

1.5 - 2 hrs/day for 2 or 3 days

*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects